
“God will gladly give humility to us if, trusting and waiting on him to act, we refrain from pretending we are what we know we are not, from presuming a favorable position of ourselves and from pushing or trying to override the will of others. (This is a fail-safe recipe for humility).” – Dallas Willard, Hearing God: Developing A

Jimmy and Liz

A True Story… Jimmy was nine when his mom told him his little sister was sick and would die if she didn’t get a blood transfusion – and that Jimmy was one of the only people in the world who had the rare blood type needed. She asked him if he would be willing to

His Eye

I was lost, incarcerated, addicted to drugs and bound in my sins. Yet, His Eye was always upon me. Even when behind steel bars. Never in my dreams did I think I could be rescued. A second chance with a career job on the railroad and strong Christian relationships kept me on this new path.


From the book… I have never followed any specifically structured program like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous in my recovery. I committed to multiple accountability relationships with my band of brothers in Christ. In Christian terminology, this type of relationship is best described as discipleship. Early in my journey, I asked what fellowship is, and


I was lost in living my life in darkness. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 NIV Living in the light of Jesus brings freedom. I am so thankful for the light of Christ in my life. “He was hung-up for my hang-ups.” The cross and the


The word sets our lives and bodies on fire: Jeremiah said that “his word burns in my heart like a fire. It’s like fire in my bones.” Jeremiah 20:9 NLT May you be filled with the Holy Spirit and let the fire of God burn within you.  


“Just as a man cannot live without dreams, he cannot live without hope. If dreams reflect the past, hope summons the future”. – Elie Wiesel, Dec. 11, 1986 “For I Know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and


Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us on the cross. And on this Veterans Day – I am so very grateful for the men and woman who have made the sacrifice of their lives for our freedom. Some to the very end. For all of you that have served us and our country, many blessings


From the Book – Rescued… “For nine miserable years, I was a living failure, causing heartache and trauma to my family. Those I loved were the ones I hurt the most. I thought, I am a tough guy and there is nothing in this life that can break me.” Are you lost and do you